Dog Shaming 1

1. How do dogs even know to do this?



2. Pooped on the modem



3. Big dog getting pushed around by bully cat.



4. Dog with a toe fetish



5. He is just trying to keep his family safe.



6. The depantsing dog.



7. Have you no shame MAN EATER??



8. Addicted to flip flops



9. Hurry, Quick!! Come look at this old man junk!!



10. Fish food thief



11. If I don’t have a jacket, neither do you.



12. It’s like finding the treasure at the end of the rainbow.



13. Some dogs are just too smart for their own good.



14. My dogs are also guilty of this, EVERY DAMN DAY.



15. Caught red handed



16. Who needs wax melts?



17. Life she be about give and take.



18. Smooth sailing from here on out!



19. Waiting for the “second coming of Christ”



20. They work undercover for the IRS.



21. Seems like an appropriate response.



22. MMMM……Human Soup!



23. Special Delivery!



24. This is why we can’t have nice things.



25. In this guy’s defense, Roomba is a moron.



26. This has happened to me. No tacos.



27. Passive aggressive dog.



28. At least it wasn’t boxers.



29. Blew it on the first day.


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