Translation Fails 1

30 Times Things Got Lost in Translation


1. What’s the opposite of recycling? Unrecycling. The more you know!



2. Fried cat ears and rotten children? I can’t quite decide.



3. What do you want to eat? Whatever.



4. It’s like the Amazon dash buttons, but for diseases



5. In case of emergency, use hand grenade.



6. I have no idea why he die. 



7. Watch out for that Democracy.



8. How would you like your placenta served?



9. Chicken ass is my favorite cut!



10. CAUTION! Execution in progress, conditions may become slippery.



11. This is my new life moto



12. At least they are honest.



13. I’d love to help you move today but unfortunately, I will be busy potatoing the crap.



14. Rape when???



15. “Spanish for decorative items”



16. No entry beyond this point without an Octopus



17. Beat that Moose good



18. Why is there a missing foot on the loose?



19. How much Cock would you like today?



20. Please exercise caution as you fall!



21. Don’t ask questions, Wang just had to burn.



22. “How would you like it cooked sir?”

“Fuck it until it explodes”

“Very well then”



23. You wouldn’t get it, it’s a time sex thing.



24. “Can I use your bathroom?”

“Sure, but no shitting”


25. Who else is fed up with stupid bean sprouts?



26. Are you a male man or a feman?



27. Time for a new internet provider.






29. For your own safety, please dont’ be edible.



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