23 Pics to Cure Your Boredom Today!

1. Always helpful to know who not to sleep with at family parties


2. Jesus Christ would you look at the time!!!


3. Mind=BLOWN


4. Perfect answer!


5. School would have been so much easier with Google!


6. Dogs know how shady the postman is. 


7. The struggle is real, even for the crows.


8. The face is spot on.


9. Kanye don’t care.


10. Ain’t nobody got time for brain freeze.


11. Why did parents dress us so damn weird back in the day?


12. I avoid awkward conversations at all costs


13. Mustaches are very powerful.


14. Everyone loves a good cheery whore!


15. Hard Pass




17. Work it Grandpa


18. So many can buy happiness after all.


19. Ad placement win!


20. I put the hot in psychotic!


21. SUPER!


22. You had ONE JOB smh


23. Cuteness overload


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